
City’s has turned its marijuana ordinance into a circus; time to put a tent over it

Only about 41 medical marijuana dispensaries are eligible to remain open in Los Angeles, according to the Los Angeles Times.

That means the city’s ordinance targets for closure more than 9 out of every 10 marijuana collectives. As our L.A. medical marijuana attorneys continue to report, it will be imperative for dispensaries to seek experienced and legal representation to protect their patients and their livelihoods from the overreaching impact of the city’s ordinance.

Initially, the city reported the ordinance would allow about 140 of the more than 500 collectives to remain in operation. Now, the number is so low, city officials have asked a judge to intervene and add legitimacy to the fiasco by ruling that the city’s process is legal.

The city already faces more than 30 lawsuits that have been filed by about 85 dispensaries. The Los Angeles marijuana dispensary lawyers at the CANNABIS LAW GROUP are representing more than a dozen businesses in the Los Angeles area and urge collectives to call to discuss their rights.

As we reported on our Marijuana Lawyer Blog, Attorney Damian Nassiri argues the city has violated its own process by suing 128 collectives instead of issuing a list and allowing pre-inspections for those collectives who were allowed to register to remain open as originally promised.

Judge Anthony J. Mohr is presiding over the lawsuits and has a Sept. 21 hearing set on constitutional issues. It is unclear when he might rule on the city’s lawsuit.

Under the initial ordinance, about 130 dispensaries were expected to remain open. If the number falls below 70, additional dispensaries would be chosen for a license through a lottery system. However, the city’s location requirements are so strict it is unclear whether they would be able to find an acceptable location in which to operate.

The city now reports that 128 of 169 dispensaries that applied to remain open have failed to satisfy the city’s criteria.

Here is a map of Los Angeles marijuana dispensaries.

The CANNABIS LAW GROUP offers experienced and aggressive representation to the medical marijuana industry in Southern California– including growers, dispensaries and collectives, patients and those facing marijuana charges. Call 949-375-4734 for a confidential consultation to discuss your rights.

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