
Lake Forest marijuana dispensary lawsuit shows value of fighting for your legal rights

As our Orange County Marijuana Dispensary Lawyers reported earlier this year on our Marijuana Law News Blog, the CANNABIS LAW GROUP was able to win a temporary stay in the case against Lake Forest Wellness Center & Collective. The firm and the dispensary are appealing an Orange County Superior Court decision in May that required the business to shut down.

Lake Forest closed dozens of dispensaries but Forest Wellness Center & Collective has thus far been successful in fighting for its survival with the help of the CANNABIS LAW GROUP.

The firm has filed its opening brief in the case and is awaiting the city’s brief in opposition. Oral arguments will likely be heard next year. In the meantime, this dispensary has been allowed to remain open while about a dozen others in Wake Forest were forced to close.

Meanwhile, the city has filed a motion for clarification, which asks the appellate court if the city can go back to superior court and seek an enforcement of the shut down order. As we have reported here previously, it is at the appellate level that much of the success is likely to come against the small town ordinances created by amateur politicians. We believe the businesses are operating legally under state law and that our legal arguments will ultimately prevail.

The requested enforcement of the shut down order is in connection with two other dispensaries, which have not filed for court relief but have refused to close. They very well could be forced to close. The staff at the CANNABIS LAW GROUP stands ready to help medical marijuana businesses fight for survival; and we believe those that remain standing will be the ones who asserted their legal rights.

Additionally, the city may also seek to shut down new collectives, which are also not party to the litigation but have opened up in recent months.

The CANNABIS LAW GROUP offers experienced and aggressive representation to the medical marijuana industry in Southern California– including growers, dispensaries and collectives, patients and those facing marijuana charges. Call 949-375-4734 for a confidential consultation to discuss your rights.

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