
Los Angeles medical marijuana dispensaries closing doors, seeking assistance from the CANNABIS LAW GROUP

The Los Angeles Times reports that medical marijuana dispensaries are closing across the city this week to comply with a new city ordinance that is expected to close more than 400 legal businesses and deprive ill patients from obtaining marijuana as legally permitted under California law.

The Los Angeles medical marijuana attorneys at the CANNABIS LAW GROUP have filed lawsuits against the city on behalf of numerous marijuana dispensaries throughout the Los Angeles area. This fight is far from over. The city’s law is inherently unfair — arbitrarily favoring some businesses while forcing other businesses to close. We are seeking economic and punitive damages against the city for each and every day these businesses are forced to remain closed in violation of California law.

If you are a patient or owner of a marijuana dispensary that has been forced to close, we urge you to call us today for a confidential appointment to discuss your rights.

The city law is forcing the arbitrary closure of 400 businesses opened since November 2007, while allowing between 70 and 130 dispensaries that opened prior to that date the legal means for survival. We do not believe the city has the legal right to enact laws in violation of California law and are adamant that it cannot create a legal monopoly.

Assistant City Attorney Asha Greenberg said the city may take enforcement action against businesses that defy the city ordinance.

“I don’t think anyone should assume they can remain open and that the city is not going to take any action anytime soon,” Greenberg said. “It’s a definite possibility. Anyone who is not living in a cave [knows about the ordinance] because it’s been so widely publicized.”

Violators can face a fine of up to $2,500 a day and six month in jail. Dispensaries that were registered with the city by November 2007 have until June 14 to comply with new location restrictions. The ordinance also prohibits dispensaries from being located near a school, park or residential area.

The Los Angeles medical marijuana lawyers at the CANNABIS LAW GROUP are offering legal assistance to medical marijuana dispensaries and collectives throughout the Los Angeles area. Call 949-375-4734 for a confidential consultation to discuss your rights.

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