
Medical Marijuana in Los Angeles Facing Scrutiny from City Council Member

Marijuana should be legal, says a recent Gallup poll.

As a matter of fact, about half of U.S. residents say they want marijuana to be legalized. Still, not everyone is in on the smoke sesh, according to the Arizona Wildcat.

Right now, there are hundreds of medical marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles. These dispensaries outnumber the number of Starbucks in many of our neighborhoods. That makes sense when you consider the 400,000 residents who use medical marijuana on a daily basis to treat a number of diseases and illnesses. José Huizar, Los Angeles City Council member, recently labeled the treatment and the uses of medical marijuana as “de facto legalization.” Now, council is considering once again a full prohibition on this much-needed treatment.

Our Los Angeles medical marijuana attorneys understand that the call for prohibition from Council member José Huizar comes conveniently after the recent federal crackdown. Dispensaries continue to be raided by both local and federal law enforcement officials. They’re being raided for following state law, which makes medical marijuana legal in California. Right now, crackdowns from the feds are unfounded and are causing panic among this industry nationwide. It needs to end and lawmakers and officials need to remember that medical marijuana is legal under California law.

Right now, Virginia is working to legalize the industry as it’s been placed on the upcoming November ballot. Both Washington D.C. and Colorado have already jumped on board by legalizing medical marijuana, but they too are facing some of the unfair persecution of dispensaries in their states. These states are among those pushing the feds to legalize marijuana.

There are more than 15 million Americans who used marijuana just a month before the National Survey on Drug Use and Health of 2009. This illustrates the demand for this product and the lasting effects that it’s able to produce for those suffering from debilitating health conditions.

Some wonder why this drug is still legal. The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 says that this drug has no medical value and is more dangerous than cocaine. That’s all a little ironic considering that alcohol and nicotine are allowed under law and both substances take the lives of hundreds of thousands of people every year. Right now, the record suggests marijuana is at least as safe, if not safer.

Remember when the Nixon administration was in office, it concluded that medical marijuana was a minimal-risk drug. Back in 1972, there were a number of studies that concluded that users were able to ingest nearly 50 pounds of the product and would be alright. Still, feds strike fear into Americans creating a cloud of negativity around this beneficial treatment.

According to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, users who smoked marijuana for 20 years straight suffered from no lung damage or cancers associated with the drug. As a matter of fact, small exposures to this drug were also found beneficial in strengthening one’s lungs.

With all of this data, it’s clear that medical marijuana is of great use to those suffering from a number of diseases and illnesses in the country. Still, feds refuse to recognize it as a useful treatment.

The CANNABIS LAW GROUP offers experienced and aggressive representation for those in the medical marijuana industry in Southern California. Call 949-375-4734 today for a confidential consultation to discuss your case.

More Blog Entries:

Crackdown on Crackdown on California Medical Marijuana Unhinges Mutually Beneficial Arrangements, Marijuana Lawyer Blog, March 19, 2012

Shuttered California Marijuana Dispensaries Turn to Delivery Services, Marijuana Lawyer Blog, March 16, 2012

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