Articles Posted in Los Angeles Marijuana Dispensaries

Adult-use cannabis became legal in California Jan. 1 with Proposition 64 going into effect. Many cities and counties however have decided to maintain a ban on marijuana, and others did not have local regulations in place in time for the official roll out of the law.marijuana business attorneys

But even after just a few weeks, the state government is already reaping big cash benefits reefer. Gov. Jerry Brown estimates $643 million in marijuana excise taxes in the first year, according to a Los Angeles Times report. Earlier projections estimated tax revenue could eventually hit $1 billion. Brown cautioned we don’t fully know every market issue that is at play, so local governments should be careful before enacting any sweeping measures.

Even as such, the lower estimates more than cover the $52 million California budgeted for 2017-2018 to establish and run the marijuana licensing system. The $643 million also does not include local sales taxes or state license fees. It costs businesses $1,000 for a license to sell cannabis. The fees are set to cover all costs associated with permits, including background checks, and resources necessary for processing and issuing. Continue reading

Three weeks after recreational cannabis sales officially became legal in California, select Los Angeles businesses were allowed to open their doors for Los Angeles recreational cannabis businesscommercial sales. While the Adult Use of Marijuana Act made recreational sales legal in the state Jan. 1, it is still up to city and county governments to decide for themselves whether they will issue a ban or set up their own guidelines and regulations. Implementation of guidelines takes time, and some cities, Los Angeles included, were not able to get them in place before the rollout at the beginning of the year.

Los Angeles City Council approved commercial marijuana sales early in December, and by mid-January about two dozen businesses in the city had been granted temporary permits. Three of those businesses had state approval secured and were able to open for business that week, according to an NBC News report. More regulations will have to be met down the road to achieve legal status permanently, the Los Angeles Department of Cannabis Regulation told NBC. Continue reading

As medical marijuana legalization is becoming law of the land in states across the country, many states are California Medical Marijuana Lawyersstruggling with best practices and how to implement the laws quickly and correctly. It often falls to state departments, local legislatures, and other agencies to sort out licensing and sales practices.

Though this process can be difficult for the government agencies in charge of such oversights, it is the citizens of the state who suffer the most when provisions are dragged out unnecessarily.

This has led to lawsuits filed by those who allege they have experienced direct pain or damages due to the way states are implementing new laws. Continue reading

It is well-known that marijuana and cannabis products can do a lot to help with the pain of many serious medical conditions.  These products have proven invaluable to cancer patients, helping them overcome the often powerful nausea and lack of appetite caused by chemotherapy.  Because marijuana returns their appetite, this in turn improves the odds of recovery, given that wasting is a common side effect of cancer treatments. Now, according to a new report from VICE, marijuana could also be invaluable to patients with HIV.marijuana attorney

A new study concludes the active ingredients in marijuana may reduce the HIV viral lode.  If true, this goes beyond helping with pain and other symptoms of the disease.

Since marijuana is still classified as a Schedule One controlled substance of the U.S. Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (USCSA), it is very difficult for researchers who get federal money to conduct any studies. Being on the highest schedule means that it does not have any valid medial use, as established by peer reviewed research, has a high potential for abuse, and is dangerous.  While there is no question that marijuana is not chemically addictive and is not dangerous, it is hard to get peer-reviewed federal studies when conducting such studies were nearly impossible. Continue reading

A recent Op-Ed from the Los Angeles Times takes a look at the future of medical marijuana in one South Los Angeles district. As the author notes, the majority of California voters who voted supported the legalization of marijuana for recreational use for adults.

cannabis Lawyer RiversideThere are a variety of reasons why people supported Proposition 64, otherwise known as the Adult Use of Marijuana Act.  Some people realize that marijuana is not dangerous and there is no reason it should be outlawed.  Other voters, do not necessarily love the idea of people smoking marijuana, but realize that it is going to happen regardless and this way we are not spending billions on a so-called war on drugs that is clearly not working. Not only was the state losing money on enforcement, the state was also losing money to the black market, as they were not able to tax marijuana. Continue reading

According to a recent news article from the Sacramento Bee, some major changes to the adult legalization of marijuana are coming, including whether you can carry marijuana in your vehicle.  This change and many others comes from a 100-page bill just signed by Governor Jerry Brown with the goal of creating a unified regulatory system to govern marijuana in California. This is part of a major change that has been a long time coming, as there was previously very little state involvement in the medical marijuana industry.

marijuana lawyerThe state wanted to change the reputation that California is the Wild West in terms of marijuana laws and business, and they moved to create an agency to regulate medical marijuana.  As this was occurring, Proposition 64 was passed by a majority of voters, making marijuana legal for recreational use as well as medicinal. Continue reading

Former senator and current Attorney General, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III has not made any efforts to hide the fact that he thinks marijuana has no valid medical use and is not something “good people” would use.

LA Medical Marijuana LawyerHowever, his hands are currently tied in prosecuting those who grow, distribute, dispense, and possess for personal use any medical marijuana.  The reason his hands are tied is because the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment was passed with bipartisan support in Congress and prohibits the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) from spending taxpayer dollars to prosecute medical marijuana in states where medical marijuana is legal.  Continue reading

In January, any adult in Los Angeles will be able to walk into a marijuana shop or dispensary and purchase marijuana for any use they see fit.  They can use it as a medicine or for recreational use. While California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana back in 1996, the state has become somewhat of a follower of other states.

marijuana lawyer Orange County However, it should be noted that, while California is no longer the nation’s most progressive state with respect to legalization of marijuana, it should be noted that California is the nation’s leader by far in terms of revenue generated, and this is currently only including money generated by the sale of medical marijuana to approved patients. When recreational users can legally purchase cannabis products, the market is expected to grow even larger. Continue reading

California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana when the bold decision was made in 1996.  While, these days, more than half of the states and District of Columbia have followed suit, back then, legalizing medical marijuana was seen as a very progressive thing to do.  Today, it seems less so, as the majority of all Americans now support legalization of medical marijuana, and a growing percentage support legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes, as well.

LA Medical Marijuana LawyerOne person who does not stand with the rest of the nation in its support for medical marijuana and recreational use of marijuana is U.S. Attorney General Jefferson “Jeff” Beauregard Sessions III.  Sessions has repeatedly spoken out against the use of marijuana for any purpose and has said that “good people” do not use marijuana.  He has vowed to enforce the federal laws against marijuana to the fullest extent possible.  This is especially true with respect to recreational use of marijuana.  One of his new targets is California, where voters recently legalized marijuana for recreational use. Continue reading

Los Angeles marijuana business attorneys have helped cannabis businesses throughout California to build thriving, profitable companies in the decades since the state began permitting cannabis sales. Now, the cannabis industry is growing rapidly throughout the entirety of the United States as jurisdictions throughout the country finally relax laws on medicinal and recreational marijuana. marijuana business

The industry is poised for rapid growth, and high net worth investors are taking notice in the emerging cannabis marketplace. Changes in public attitude towards legalization of marijuana may eventually result in the federal government reclassifying cannabis, and are likely to continue to cause an ever-increasing number of states to allow cannabis businesses to operate locally. All of this means it is a great time to invest in companies within the marijuana industry. Continue reading

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