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We have been waiting to see if there was going to be a budget agreement to prevent a government shutdown for much of the first 100 days of President Donald J. Trump’s administration. Even though it looked like there would be no hope of reaching a joint resolution given the partisan nature of Congress these days, they were able to do just that at the 11th hour.

marijuana lawyerHowever, this last-minute budget resolution did not merely put off a government shutdown until at least September 2017. It also prevents the federal government from cracking down on medical marijuana in states where it is legal, according to a recent news article from ABC News 7 Denver. The lengthy budget deal contains restrictions that prevent the U.S. Department of Justice or any of its subsidiary agencies including, but not limited to, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from using any of its budgeted funds to crack down on medical marijuana in a list of states included in the bill. Continue reading

In more than half of the states in the union, as well as the District of Columbia, medical marijuana has already been legalized. Some of the states have had legal medical marijuana for more than a decade, and others have just taken the first steps in the past few years.  Some of the jurisdictions have even gone so far as to legalize the recreational use of marijuana.

marijuana budsWhile opponents used to argue that it was a just a few very liberal states such as California that allowed people to use medical marijuana, that is no longer an argument that one can seriously make.  According a recent News Article for the News and Observer, a new poll shows that 80 percent of those surveyed in North Carolina now favor the legalization of medical marijuana. While there has been a majority of support across the country for years, numbers like these show just how far the movement has come. Continue reading

There is no question that marijuana has legitimate medical uses and benefits. It has been proven to help people with cancer and cancer-related issues as well as a variety of other serious medical conditions.  It helps people who suffer from anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other psychiatric conditions.

medical marijuanaHowever, there haven’t been a lot of studies, because Congress still refuses to take medical marijuana off Schedule I of the U.S. Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (USCSA), and this may not change for quite some time, despite the majority of Americans now supporting legalization of medical marijuana. Continue reading

In the recent National Football League (NFL) draft, we heard a lot of stories about the draft position of at least one highly ranked collegiate athlete was sliding because of a failed drug test.  However, it should be noted that he did not actually test positive for marijuana. Rather, he tested positive for what is known as a water-loaded sample.

marijuana lawyerMany people are concerned that they will fail a drug test with positive sample and will do whatever they can to pass the test. This includes taking detox products that are available on the internet or at specialty vitamin stores, and it even includes using synthetic urine or another person’s urine.  Since many testing centers watch the subject take the test with a mirror or directly, they even sell products that allow someone to discreetly provide a substitute sample.  This is generally not a good idea and many people get caught.

Someone seeking to defend their right to use marijuana, particularly medicinal marijuana, and hold onto their job may face an uphill battle. However, consultation with an experienced marijuana lawyer is recommended.

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According to a recent news article from the New York Times, questions have arisen regarding the level of expertise of a medical marijuana “panel of experts” in charge of vetting dispensary applicants.  The commission was established New York decided to legalize medical marijuana in 2014.  Like other states, the process has moved slowly and is facing several seemingly self-inflicted obstacles standing in the way of patients getting their much-needed medical cannabis.

questionmarkThe panel is supposed to be composed of experts in a variety of related fields. However, their identities remain shrouded in secrecy.  This alleged lack of transparency has only served to fuel criticism of the actions of the medical marijuana panel.  Continue reading

When medical marijuana first became legalized in California around 20 years ago, most people either smoked marijuana, or they would make some basic edibles with THC oil.  There were no vaporizers being sold in many stores throughout the city, nor were there any bottles of THC infused hand cream to help elderly individuals stop shaking associated with an essential tremor.

marijuana budThese days, the medical cannabis industry has a wide range of high-end products to treat all sorts of serious medical conditions. For example, actor Patrick Stewart of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” fame has said that using a medical cannabis spray is the only thing that gets his hands to stop hurting so that he can use them, due his severe arthritis.   Continue reading

According to the San Francisco Gate, medical marijuana patients may soon have safer and cleaner medical cannabis.  However, this cleaner and safer marijuana will come at an increased cost of around 10 percent, based upon a new regulations package from the state.

courthouseThese new regulations are in the form of what are known as draft rules that have been promulgated by the three state agencies that have oversight over the medical marijuana business. This rules package will affect how medical marijuana is gown, processed and distributed throughout the entire state. Continue reading

Those in favor of legalizing marijuana – or at least in protecting the state-level freedoms they have now – are fearing federal sanctions from an unfriendly new administration.congress

Even though politicians on both sides of the aisle favor both medical marijuana access and even recreational marijuana, there is concern that the new U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions will crack down on businesses and individuals abiding state-level marijuana laws. There are currently 28 states that have legalized the drug for medical use, and eight, including California, that allow it to be used for recreation.

For this reason, three new bills have been introduced that protect the rights of pot growers, distributors and users. In addition, advocates are coming out in full force to encourage lawmakers to support pro-marijuana measures.  Continue reading

While there have been drug laws on the books for many years, it was the inclusion of marijuana as a Schedule I drug on the U.S. Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (USCSA) that has been the biggest obstacle to the cannabis business being treated like the successful business that it is.

marijuana budsA Schedule I drug is considered very dangerous, has a high rate of addiction, and has no acceptable medicinal use.  While this description is clearly ridiculous when talking about marijuana, this is where Congress has scheduled it and doesn’t seem willing to do anything about it, and there have been several attempts. Continue reading

According to a recent news article from the Los Angeles Times, the governor has proposed a plan to alter some marijuana laws in California, and this has led to some push back from state lawmakers.  Those who challenge these new measures say repealing certain provisions in the now two-year-old marijuana laws would essentially be a giveaway to the marijuana industry at the expense of the safety and welfare of the general public.

questionmarkHowever, it should come as no surprise that those who are pushing the pubic safety aspects are primarily supported by the law enforcement community. Despite there being no credible evidence to support this position, and in fact there is evidence to the contrary, the law enforcement community has worked to oppose marijuana legalization across the country by arguing that it will increase crime and school dropout rates.  This was a major argument made in Colorado to avoid the legalization of marijuana of marijuana for recreational use. Continue reading

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