
Baby Boomers Stand to Benefit Most from Medical Marijuana Legalization

Medical marijuana has been proven to help individuals with a wide range of medical conditions in a diverse pool of users, ranging from children to the elderly. While the benefits of marijuana aren’t narrowed to one group, studies show that baby boomers are the group that stands to benefit the most from the legalization of medical marijuana. According to activists and recent reports, baby boomers aged 50 and over will likely drive the biggest increase in medical marijuana revenues. Florida is one state that serves as an example of this trend–polls show the majority of the population is in favor of legalization because of disease and injury, not because of political affiliation.

Baby boomers are the group that stands to gain the most from medical marijuana legalization, but it doesn’t mean that they will be the biggest supporters. In many states, this is a non-issue because support is spread among age groups. In Florida, 83 percent of seniors over 65 are in favor. Among the youth, aged 18-29, 95 percent of voters are in favor of legalization. Our Orange County medical marijuana attorneys are abreast of trends in marijuana law in Southern California and nationwide. In addition to tracking legislative changes, we are also aware of social and media trends that impact the rights and lives of our clients.

Baby boomers are those individuals born between 1946 and 1964. In addition to making up a large portion of the population, they are also the group most likely to vote in midterm elections. With the support of baby boomers, legislators may be more inclined to push towards legalization and decriminalization, even in states that are traditionally conservative. According to 2013 Pew Research, 84% of Americans opposed legalization in 1969. Now, the same research institute found that 52% of Americans support legalization. While some may think it is only the young pushing towards legalization, 50% of baby boomers are also in favor.

Baby boomers may stand to benefit the most in terms of medical marijuana use. Medical marijuana can alleviate pain associated with arthritis, cancer, glaucoma, gastrointestinal disorders, multiple sclerosis, migraines, chronic pain and other conditions. Other studies suggest that marijuana can help fight disease and tumors. Respected doctors, homeopaths and other professionals have found that marijuana can alleviate a number of conditions, especially when it is ingested by a means other than smoking. Baby boomers who are able to get a legitimate prescription can use marijuana to treat a range of symptoms and conditions.

In addition to the medical benefits of marijuana, many baby boomers are returning to recreational use. Many boomers see marijuana is a stress reliever as opposed to alcohol or pharmaceuticals. Bills that have decriminalized use make pot much more appealing to those who weren’t willing to break the law. For many law-abiding baby boomers, the legal shift is allowing them to return to a substance they once enjoyed in their youth or as a new alternative to alcohol. Legislators and policy makers should be aware of the benefits that recreational and medical marijuana may have for the large constituency of baby boomers.

The Los Angeles CANNABIS LAW Group represents growers, dispensaries, collectives, patients and those facing marijuana charges. Call us at 949-375-4734.

More Blog Entries:
Getting Started in the Medical Marijuana Industry, May 15, 2014, Los Angeles Marijuana Lawyer Blog
App Technology Highlights Future of Marijuana Business, July 9, 2014, Los Angeles Marijuana Lawyer Blog

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