
High Class Donor Makes University Medical Marijuana Studies Possible

More concrete medical marijuana research is on the horizon thanks to grants awarded to two different universities by one foundation with the intent of advancing our understanding of cannabis treatments. University of Utah is planning a $740,000, two-year study on how marijuana affects the brain and why it affects some people differently. UC San Diego, meanwhile, received a cool $4.7 million to research the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in the treatment of autism. The university said it is the largest private donation for medical cannabis research in U.S. history, according to KPBS.

Where the federal government has failed, The Ray and Tye Noorda Foundation is attempting to fill a need for more comprehensive medical cannabis research. The foundation says it donates sizable grants to projects it believes will help build a “world where all people enjoy equal opportunities to achieve health, purpose, and happiness.” Our medical marijuana attorneys certainly agree cannabis research fits the bill. Project subjects the foundation is funding also include chronic homelessness, economic advancement, housing and health initiatives, and re-entry into society after serving jail time, in addition to cannabis research. The study at the University of Utah will track the reaction of the psychoactive compound in cannabis (THC) with certain brain receptors in 40 adults, according to The Salt Lake Tribune. Finding the right balance of psychoactive and non-psychoactive compounds to produce the desired effect in the brain could be a major breakthrough for treating disorders such as PTSD and anxiety. UC San Diego’s research will stick to non-psychoactive CBD, which shows promise in helping autism patients adapt to brain abnormalities.

Because of marijuana’s status as a Schedule I narcotic according to the Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. Section 812, funding for medical marijuana research is more complicated than other types of medical treatments. Schedule I means a drug has been determined to have a “high potential for abuse,” “no currently acceptable medical use,” and there is a “lack of accepted safety” even with a doctor’s supervision. For drugs in which these qualities are true, it is understandable why federal agencies would have extremely strict standards for using the drugs in human testing. We would want the highest restrictions possible for medical testing involving other Schedule I narcotics, such as heroin and LSD. We all know cannabis is not in the same league as these highly dangerous drugs. Continuing to hide behind this classification as a reason to delay much needed medical testing is political posturing, pure and simple. To add insult to injury, the little bit of funding tagged for cannabis research often goes toward studying negative effects, like driving under the influence, or drug use prevention studies.

When the federal government is not fulfilling its obligation to the people, it is up to the people to stand up for themselves. Generous donors can help us progress with research and medical testing. Meanwhile, our skilled Orange County marijuana lawyers will protect your rights on the legal front. We have attorneys with extensive experience in both civil and criminal cases, so we can tackle a broad range of legal issues. We also can help cannabis businesses get started with business plans and licensing assistance. Our team is ready to help Southern California progress forward with hopes the rest of the country will follow.

The Los Angeles CANNABIS LAW Group represents growers, dispensaries, collectives, patients, defendants, workers and those facing criminal marijuana charges. Call us at 949-375-4734.

Additional Resources:

UC San Diego Receives Significant Medicinal Cannabis Research Donation, April 26, 2018, KPBS Public Broadcasting

More Blog Entries:

Research: Marijuana Possibly a Treatment for HIV, Nov. 20, 2017, Orange County Medical Marijuana Lawyers Blog


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