
Articles Posted in marijuana criminal defense lawyer


California’s Promise to Clear Cannabis Convictions Hasn’t Gone as Planned

When voters in California legalized recreational use cannabis six years ago, a major component included a legal pathway through which courts could clear most past marijuana convictions – or at least lower the charges to something less severe. This made good sense for several reasons: Most marijuana convictions were for…


California Activists Seek Decriminalization of Magic Mushrooms

With the 2020 ballot fast approaching, California activists are keenly working towards securing a measure that would decriminalize psilocybin, also commonly known as ‘magic mushrooms.’ Together with the required $2,000 fee, an advocacy group by the name of Decriminalize California submitted ballot language to the state attorney general’s office in…


Cannabis Drivers Burnt By Confiscation of Property

Nine drivers in Northern California are speaking out against what they say are shady practices by police departments who allegedly are targeting businesses while transporting cannabis and seizing their delivery and cash. North Coast Journal conducted an investigation of these cases and found a pattern of confiscations over the past…


Unlicensed Marijuana Firms in L.A. Face Wrath of City Police, Prosecutors

If you are a cannabis retailer in Los Angeles and you do not yet have all of the necessary licenses and regulations in place, it’s time to get your house in order with the help of a trusted legal team. The city attorney and Los Angeles Police Department have made…


The High Standards of Airport Security on Marijuana

Flying with marijuana used to earn travelers a one-way ticket to jail (do not pass “Go,” and you’ll be paying a lot more than $200). Since then, standards have relaxed considerably, particularly locally at the Los Angeles International Airport. However, it’s not necessarily the same at your destination spot, so…


The (Legal) 411 on 4/20 Fun

Recreational marijuana became legal in California January 1st, meaning this is the first year cannabis has been available to all adults on the infamous marijuana holiday of 4/20. While it is perfectly legal to enjoy the festivities, our experienced attorneys also know that Proposition 64 is not a free pass…


Feds Consider Marijuana to be Criminal, While Legal Knockoffs Hospitalize Users

Marijuana has proven so replete with benefits with so few side effects, it is almost laughable how many misguided politicians and policymakers are still fighting against it. It is clear to our experienced cannabis attorneys that this conundrum is exactly why many good law-abiding citizens turn to dangerous knockoff substances…


Seeking Relief for Those with Marijuana Criminal Records

Prop 64, or the Control, Regulate, and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act, does a lot more than the title might suggest. In addition to legalizing marijuana in California (and regulating and taxing), it offers a unique opportunity for the state to make reparations of sort to the people and…


Marijuana Arrests Fall in 2015, Still Higher Than for Violent Crimes

The failed war on drugs created the characterization of marijuana as this dangerous, addictive gateway to harder substances. This assertion has largely been debunked. And yet, the drug remains a Schedule I narcotic and people continue to face arrest and prosecution – even serious prison time – for manufacturing, buying, selling…

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