
Articles Posted in marijuana attorney


Report: Marijuana’s Health Benefits Hazy, Federal Law to Blame

Every single month, there are more than 22 million Americans use marijuana, medicinal or recreational, in the 28 states plus the District of Colombia where it’s legal in some form. Last year, national sales of marijuana reached an estimated $7.1 billion – which is what they are expected to reach…


California Weighs Marijuana Billboard Ban

Lawmakers in California are considering a measure that would prohibit the display of marijuana on state billboards along stretches of highway.  As it now stands, there are a number of billboards that promote a variety of substances, from liquor to prescription medications – and yes, marijuana. But the marijuana industry…


Marijuana Tourism May Become Increasingly Common in California

There are a lot of reasons to make California a vacation destination. Now, the newest it seems is recreational cannabis.  On the West Coast, we now have California, Washington, Colorado, Oregon and Nevada that allow recreational marijuana. The only other places allow it are Alaska, Washington D.C., Massachusetts and Maine.…


Investors Eye Marijuana Stocks

It’s being called the “green rush.” Amid a series of pro-marijuana reforms set in motion by the November election, investors are scrambling to buy up stock in a variety of cannabis companies, which are part of an industry expected to cross the $25 billion threshold by 2021.  Of course, not…


Recreational Marijuana Interest Fueling Real Estate Deals

There was a time not very long ago that property owners were extremely wary of renting space to any type of marijuana business, for fear of running afoul of the federal government. Specifically, 18 U.S. Code Section 981 details the government’s authority to assert civil asset forfeiture. The law was…


Prohibiting Teen Access to Marijuana a Top Priority for Politicians, Pot Distributors

Recreational marijuana is now legal in California. But that doesn’t mean it’s Ok for teens to use it for recreation, as there is evidence it can have negative health effects – and of course there is the risk of impaired driving. Although some marijuana advocates downplay these concerns as “Reefer…


Medical Marijuana Access in Florida Limited, For Now

Medical marijuana dispensaries have been a common sight in L.A. for years – more than two decades, to be exact. So it’s tough to remember that in many parts of the country, these facilities are still having to wade gingerly into their new markets, even as the public has shown overwhelming…


Report: Teens Now Find it Tougher Than Ever to Find Marijuana

One of the primary concerns of opponents to marijuana legalization was that it was going to fall into the hands of teenagers, whose brains are still developing and lack the full capacity for risk assessment.  Now, a new study analyzes a host of risky teen behavior, including marijuana consumption. Among…


Marijuana Industry Poised to Generate Many New Jobs

With marijuana now legal in some capacity in more than half of all states, the industry is poised to see a job boom over the next few years.  Even prior to the election, industry analysis conducted by ArcView group and GreenWave Advisors tallied that the industry was worth somewhere between…


Planning Marijuana Strategy Under Trump Administration

As we head into 2017, there is a great deal of uncertainty about what a Trump administration will mean for those in the marijuana industry in California and beyond. Cannabis advocates and industry players are struggling with attempting to formulate a strategy when no one knows exactly what the President-elect…

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