
Articles Posted in Los Angeles Marijuana Dispensaries


California Estimates Big Tax Boost from Cannabis

Adult-use cannabis became legal in California Jan. 1 with Proposition 64 going into effect. Many cities and counties however have decided to maintain a ban on marijuana, and others did not have local regulations in place in time for the official roll out of the law. But even after just…


Recreational Cannabis Sales Begin in L.A.

Three weeks after recreational cannabis sales officially became legal in California, select Los Angeles businesses were allowed to open their doors for commercial sales. While the Adult Use of Marijuana Act made recreational sales legal in the state Jan. 1, it is still up to city and county governments to…


States Too Slow to Implement Medical Marijuana Laws Face Litigation

As medical marijuana legalization is becoming law of the land in states across the country, many states are struggling with best practices and how to implement the laws quickly and correctly. It often falls to state departments, local legislatures, and other agencies to sort out licensing and sales practices. Though…


Research: Marijuana Possibly a Treatment for HIV

It is well-known that marijuana and cannabis products can do a lot to help with the pain of many serious medical conditions.  These products have proven invaluable to cancer patients, helping them overcome the often powerful nausea and lack of appetite caused by chemotherapy.  Because marijuana returns their appetite, this…


A Look at Legal Medical Marijuana in South Los Angeles

A recent Op-Ed from the Los Angeles Times takes a look at the future of medical marijuana in one South Los Angeles district. As the author notes, the majority of California voters who voted supported the legalization of marijuana for recreational use for adults. There are a variety of reasons…


Driving with Marijuana in Your Car in California

According to a recent news article from the Sacramento Bee, some major changes to the adult legalization of marijuana are coming, including whether you can carry marijuana in your vehicle.  This change and many others comes from a 100-page bill just signed by Governor Jerry Brown with the goal of…


Attorney General Jeff Sessions Ask Congress to Let Him Prosecute Medical Marijuana

Former senator and current Attorney General, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III has not made any efforts to hide the fact that he thinks marijuana has no valid medical use and is not something “good people” would use. However, his hands are currently tied in prosecuting those who grow, distribute, dispense, and…


Medical Marijuana Patients in Los Angeles Concerned About Possible Price Hike

In January, any adult in Los Angeles will be able to walk into a marijuana shop or dispensary and purchase marijuana for any use they see fit.  They can use it as a medicine or for recreational use. While California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana back in…


California Attorney General Willing to Take on Jeff Sessions over Marijuana Laws

California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana when the bold decision was made in 1996.  While, these days, more than half of the states and District of Columbia have followed suit, back then, legalizing medical marijuana was seen as a very progressive thing to do.  Today, it seems…


Cannabis Businesses Could be the Next Great American Industry

Los Angeles marijuana business attorneys have helped cannabis businesses throughout California to build thriving, profitable companies in the decades since the state began permitting cannabis sales. Now, the cannabis industry is growing rapidly throughout the entirety of the United States as jurisdictions throughout the country finally relax laws on medicinal…

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