
Cannabis Law Group's Medical Marijuana Legal Blog


Science Does Not Support Jeff Sessions War on Medical Marijuana

In a predictable, but utterly absurd, effort to crack down on medical marijuana in states where it is legal, Attorney General Jeff Sessions III, is claiming that marijuana has no medical uses and is a major reason for what he calls the historic drug epidemic he sees us in. Currently, Sessions…


Attorney General Jeff Sessions Ask Congress to Let Him Prosecute Medical Marijuana

Former senator and current Attorney General, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III has not made any efforts to hide the fact that he thinks marijuana has no valid medical use and is not something “good people” would use. However, his hands are currently tied in prosecuting those who grow, distribute, dispense, and…


Co-location of Medical Marijuana Recreational Use Marijuana in CA Proposed

Medical cannabis sales are already big business in California.  With the recreational use of marijuana soon being legal in California, it is expected that the marijuana industry in our state could grow by tenfold into a multibillion dollar industry. Those in the marijuana industry have pushed for the sale of…


Department of Justice Hits Marijuana Paraphernalia Industry

Congress listed marijuana on Schedule One of the U.S. Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (USCSA) and has not de-listed or even moved marijuana to a lower level since that time.  To be included on Schedule One, the drug is supposed to have a chance of abuse, a high level of…


Update: LA City Releases Medical Marijuana Business Regs Draft

The City of Los Angeles has just released a draft of the “Commercial Cannabis Activity Requirements.”  These are the essential regulations for the medical marijuana business in the City of Los Angeles.  This document is 51 pages and must be posted for 60 days during a period for the public…


Report: Los Angeles Tops State in Medical Marijuana Sales

According to a recent news article from Bloomberg, local municipalities are putting the finishing touches on their local regulation of recreational marijuana sales.  Industry experts believe that areas with more successful medical marijuana businesses are likely to also have top recreational marijuana businesses. As discussed in this article, Los Angeles,…


Legal Recreational Marijuana Use and Employment Issues

For a long time, people have been wondering how medical marijuana use will affect their employment and what happens if they get a drug test. That is a complicated issue, and it depends a lot on your employer.  With marijuana being legal for recreational use as Proposition 64 was voted…


Medical Marijuana Patients in Los Angeles Concerned About Possible Price Hike

In January, any adult in Los Angeles will be able to walk into a marijuana shop or dispensary and purchase marijuana for any use they see fit.  They can use it as a medicine or for recreational use. While California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana back in…


Report: Cannabis Edibles for Pets is a Growing Industry

There is a lot of money to be made in the medical marijuana industry.  Each year, more and more patients are turning to medical marijuana to treat various mental and physical ailments, and the types of medications on the market are getting more and more sophisticated to meet this new…

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