Articles Tagged with California cannabis regulation

There are many reasons California cannabis industry entrepreneurs these days might feel their situation a bit bleak. The ever-present threat of black market sales are encroaching on their profits. Excessive regulations and taxation have left many companies stretched incredibly thin. A patchwork of confusing local laws have proven difficult to navigate. Some large cannabis companies have been enacting mass layoffs to help cope with the fact that revenue has fallen far short of initial projections. All the while, the drug remains an illegal Schedule I narcotic at the federal level. California marijuana lawyer

And yet, there is a fair bit of good news on the horizon for new pot shop owners.

The marijuana legalization movement continues to gain significant ground both in the U.S. and abroad. Investors, manufacturers and researchers are paying close attention, with more than a few continuing to take on the potential risks. The legal marijuana industry was estimated to be worth some $10.4 billion last year, employing more than 250,000 workers nationally. There are now 33 states that have moved to legalize the plant for medicinal purposes and 10 states – including California – have legalized the drug for recreational sales and use. Continue reading

The passing of Proposition 64 in 2016 legalizes recreational marijuana in California as of January 1, 2018. This will increase the opportunity for marijuana businesses to grow throughout the state.Marijuana regulations

According to an article from Forbes, California cannabis business owners are projected to make $5.2 billion in revenue in 2018, with about $1 billion in tax revenue lining state coffers.

But for every new road that is paved on the way to full legalization, there are numerous bumps along the road. California business owners expect plenty of marijuana regulations, with local governments in the state being given a great deal of jurisdiction over whether or not to allow commercial marijuana production and sales. Continue reading

It is a logical contradiction, but one which can benefit cannabis entrepreneurs: despite being banned by federal law, marijuana and marijuana products can be protected by federal patents. Problems with theory and logic notwithstanding, cannabis business owners can protect and enhance their business interests with an understanding of the patent process.   Continue reading

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