Articles Tagged with CBD at the airport.

If you’re traveling within California via airplane, your safe to bring your personal CBD and marijuana supply without significant concern of criminal penalties (assuming you’re at least 21 aren’t carrying more than one ounce of the flower/bud or eight grams of concentrates like hash or oil, per Prop 64).Los Angeles CBD lawyer

Even after marijuana and CBD became legal for recreational use among adults in California, Los Angeles CBD attorneys would not have advised clients to take their stash to the skies. Over the last several months as federal laws have eased and state regulatory framework came together, airports like LAX began announcing last year they would allow in-state travelers to pack CBD and marijuana in personal carry-ons as long as it was state-law compliant.

However, travelers – especially those with marijuana, hash or other concentrates – still have reason to be cautious. While state and local officials have jurisdiction at airports through security checkpoints, federal agencies control post-security checkpoint areas. Continue reading

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