
Cannabis Law Group's Medical Marijuana Legal Blog


420 Roots – How it Became a Marijuana Holiday

Most people know that 420 holds special meaning among stoners. What few seem to know, however, is just how April 20th became so revered among the reefer-loving throngs.  Different strands of the story have cropped up in recent years. Some will tell you it’s tea time in Holland. Others think it has something…


Anti-Cannabis Campaign Faces Violations

There is no question that more of the American public supports medical marijuana and the legalization of cannabis for recreational use than at any other point in our nation’s history.  Currently, more than half of all U.S. states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for either medical use,…


International Church of Cannabis Draws Mixed Feelings

Colorado was among the first states to legalize marijuana for recreational use.  While it is legal to purchase marijuana, it is not legal to smoke in public.  This means that are not the famous hash coffee shops as there are in Amsterdam.  There are many different efforts to get around…


Marijuana Equipment Business is Booming

There is no question that the cannabis industry is making a lot of money from a lot of different people and companies.  In fact, the medical cannabis and recreational marijuana business has already become a billion-dollar industry. However, there are many aspects of the marijuana business, and much the money…


Marijuana as Treatment for Opioid Addiction

One of the biggest public health crises facing the nation is the problem of opioid addition.  This problem only appears to be getting worse.  Not only are more and more people becoming addicted to opioids, whether we are talking about prescription painkillers or heroin, more people are dying from these…


Issues with Regulated Marijuana Sales in California

When medical marijuana was first legalized in California more than two decades ago, the state was not heavily involved in the regulation process.  While anyone in the state could use medical marijuana if they had a valid doctor’s recommendation for the use of medical cannabis, it was up the counties…


California Leads U.S. in Cannabis Sales

What started out as a small grassroots effort to get patients their much-needed medical cannabis has become a billion-dollar industry.  While we often hear about how much money is being made in Colorado, which was among the first to legalize marijuana for recreational use, it is California that is leading…


Public Support for Marijuana Legalization Higher than Ever

When California legalized medical marijuana in 1996, this was a very progressive move that separated the state from the rest of the nation in many ways.  From then until now, more and more people across the country have come to support the legalization of marijuana.  This was first an effort…


School Bus Driver Arrested – Allegedly Smoking Marijuana Before Work

California was the first state in the nation to legalize medical marijuana.  This occurred in 1996.  Since that time, more than half of the states in the U.S. have either legalized medical marijuana or recreational use of marijuana. California is one of the states that has also legalized recreational use…


Florida Lawmakers Consider Expanding Medical Marijuana Law

Florida lawmakers are preparing to implement Amendment 2, which is the state’s medical marijuana legalization law. For now, there are only seven companies licensed to cultivate and distribute marijuana in the state. They have been busy too – raising funds and spending millions of dollars to grow their new operations…

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