
Articles Posted in Los Angeles medical marijuana lawyer


Court Snuffs Out Attempted Extortion of Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Attorneys at Cannabis Law Group are committed to helping marijuana dispensaries achieve  compliance with state and local regulations. We are experienced in civil and criminal cannabis-related cases and fight hard for the rights of our clients. We support the continued expansion of marijuana legalization and hope to see a day soon…


Marijuana Sales are Reducing Alcohol Sales

Many comparisons have been made to recreational marijuana and alcohol, particularly in how advocates have recommended regulation. Although there are similarities, we know that recreational alcohol use, dependence and abuse has caused far more issues than marijuana, and evidence suggests that trend may continue, even as marijuana legalization spreads. In…


Science Does Not Support Jeff Sessions War on Medical Marijuana

In a predictable, but utterly absurd, effort to crack down on medical marijuana in states where it is legal, Attorney General Jeff Sessions III, is claiming that marijuana has no medical uses and is a major reason for what he calls the historic drug epidemic he sees us in. Currently, Sessions…


Department of Justice Hits Marijuana Paraphernalia Industry

Congress listed marijuana on Schedule One of the U.S. Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (USCSA) and has not de-listed or even moved marijuana to a lower level since that time.  To be included on Schedule One, the drug is supposed to have a chance of abuse, a high level of…


Report: Cannabis Edibles for Pets is a Growing Industry

There is a lot of money to be made in the medical marijuana industry.  Each year, more and more patients are turning to medical marijuana to treat various mental and physical ailments, and the types of medications on the market are getting more and more sophisticated to meet this new…


New Rules for California Medical Marijuana

According to the San Francisco Gate, medical marijuana patients may soon have safer and cleaner medical cannabis.  However, this cleaner and safer marijuana will come at an increased cost of around 10 percent, based upon a new regulations package from the state. These new regulations are in the form of…


Forget Trump, Clinton – Marijuana Will be the Real Winner of This Election

As we trudge through the final weeks of this arduous, divisive election, there is at least one matter on the ballot that is likely to unite: Marijuana.  Voters in nine states – including California, Florida and Massachusetts – will vote on Nov. 8th ballot proposals that permit recreational and/or medical…

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