
Cannabis Law Group's Medical Marijuana Legal Blog


Confusion Between State and Federal Law Makes it Unclear Who Will Be Prosecuted for Marijuana Offenses

Here in the western states, the conflict between strict federal marijuana laws and increasingly-permissive state marijuana laws has created much confusion. The public, government officials, and even police officers on the front lines of marijuana law enforcement seem unable to reach a consensus on what cases will be prosecuted and…


Wedding Industry Says ‘I Do’ to the Marijuana Industry

It’s a new trend, but one that perhaps should not be surprising to Californians. More and more couples are choosing to make marijuana part of their special day. From cannabis buds in fl oral arrangements to marijuana favors for guests, there are many ways to incorporate marijuana into the more…


Business Taxes For Which Cannabis Entrepreneurs Must Prepare

Like business owners in any industry, cannabis entrepreneurs must prepare for the various taxes which will be levied by state and local governments. This can be an overwhelming task – especially in the current environment of unsettled regulations and uncertain administrative policies. However, strategic planning can devise tax strategies which…


An Aging Population Trades in Pills for Marijuana

California has long been a pioneer of medical marijuana advocacy. It was, in fact, the first state to legalize the medical use of marijuana in 1996 with the passage of Proposition 215. This Act did suffer from technical defects. According to the Los Angeles Times, Senator Diane Feinstein famously said,…


Los Angeles Prepares for Recreational Marijuana Sales With Appointment of Cannabis Czar

Local and state government agencies across California have a significant amount of work to do before January 2, 2018. Proposition 64 – The Adult Use of Marijuana Act – provided that the state would issue business licenses for recreational marijuana sales no later than January 1, 2018. (Because January 1…


Marijuana Company Embroiled in Branding Dispute

There are many considerations to take into account when starting a marijuana business, and branding is one of those. The marijuana industry on the whole prides itself on branding that is bold, cheeky and perhaps a little more risque than most. But cannabis start-ups must be careful to research whether…


California Leaders Discuss Bank Specifically to Serve Marijuana Industry

Recreational sales of marijuana in California will be legal by next year, yet most financial institutions refuse to allow marijuana companies to open up business accounts. Entrepreneurs remain uncertain of how to manage a legitimate business when they’ve got mountains of cash to manage. They are asking the state and/…


Federal Judge Blocks California Marijuana Growers’ Prosecution

A federal judge in San Francisco has blocked the prosecution of two marijuana growers in Northern California, citing a Congressional prohibition on the Justice Department interfering with medical marijuana laws of the states.  In 2014, the two defendants pleaded guilty to marijuana possession and cultivation on  Humboldt County farm. Each…


Legal Marijuana May Not Completely Quell Black Market Demand

Black market sales of marijuana thrived under a system that totally outlawed the drug. For decades, illicit sales lined the pockets of violent drug cartels and gangs. Legalizing marijuana, as California did with Prop. 64, would effectively quash this problem, or so it was believed. After all, when marijuana is…


Can California Cannabis Companies Combat Racial Inequality?

Here in Oakland, those convicted of marijuana trafficking are getting a new opportunity to launch California cannabis businesses under the city’s Equity Applicant system. The goal is provide longtime residents, typically those who live below the poverty level – including those who have prior convictions for marijuana sales – get…

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