
Articles Posted in Marijuana Lawyer


Old Marijuana Convictions be Gone, Thanks to California Program

A California-developed online tool, called ‘Clear My Record,’ which helps people with eligible convictions clear their criminal records, is set to change the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans previously convicted of marijuana related crimes. In 2016 when Californian voters legalized marijuana, state officials hoped to reverse decades of…


California Activists Seek Decriminalization of Magic Mushrooms

With the 2020 ballot fast approaching, California activists are keenly working towards securing a measure that would decriminalize psilocybin, also commonly known as ‘magic mushrooms.’ Together with the required $2,000 fee, an advocacy group by the name of Decriminalize California submitted ballot language to the state attorney general’s office in…


Growing Pains for California’s Weed Tracking System

In January, the state of California kicked off an online rollout of its marijuana inventory tracking system. At a glance, marijuana businesses across the Golden State appear to be successfully reporting product inventory each day, via the California Cannabis Track-and-Trace (CCTT) system. But not without some growing pains. To start,…


Investment Interest in California CBD Companies is Rising

California cannabidiol (CBD) products are on the map, and investors are taking notice. But given that CBD-infused products are still relatively new to market, regulators continue to closely review the category. For this reason, acquisition strategies may be a ways off yet, but industry insiders predict consumer companies will see…


Teen Marijuana Use is Troubling, Experts Say

As a growing number of states follow California’s leap and legalize marijuana, new research shows cannabis use among U.S. teens is more widespread now than it was just a generation ago. A study published in the June 20 issue of American Journal of Public Health, looked at U.S. federal health…


California Clamps Down on Unlicensed Marijuana Dispensaries

California has kicked off a multi-lingual public awareness campaign, urging cannabis users throughout the state to ensure they’re purchasing from legal dispensaries. Amid growing calls from licensed cannabis dispensaries, The California Bureau of Cannabis Control’s “Get#weedwise” program aims to educate consumers on the risks they face when buying from unlicensed…


The Problem with Legal Weed Getting Californian Dogs High

California dogs are increasingly getting high. While this may sound harmless or even amusing at first, it’s imperative that pet owners become aware of the dangers associated with marijuana exposure to animals, so that beloved fur family members can be kept out of harm’s way. As territory across the country…


California Cannabis Church Suit Alleges 1st, 5th Amendment Violations

Some may mock the notion itself, but California cannabis church lawyers know one congregation in Humboldt County isn’t laughing. They’re suing. In a lawsuit filed late last month, church leaders allege a multi-agency task force reportedly destroyed numerous cannabis plants – which the faithful consider sacred – during the execution…


Gifting Ganja: Can I Buy Cannabis for My Friend in California?

Is it legal to buy recreational cannabis for my friend in California? This was a question our Los Angeles cannabis lawyers were asked recently. Now that recreational marijuana is legal in California, thanks to the Adult Use Marijuana Act, it can seem common courtesy to pick up a candy or…


USDA: Hemp Farmer Intellectual Property Rights Finalized

Intellectual property rights for cannabis, marijuana, CBD and hemp have long been a point of serious contention for CBD businesses. Now, with both hemp and CBD decriminalized, removed from the list of federally-controlled substances, intellectual property rights for these newly-legal crops are now strengthened. Hemp farming attorneys in Orange County…

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